The hyperspace computer was luckily holding its own. Good in the sense that a new one would be worth more then the whole ship. Credits, unfortunately, Baxter did not have. The last job had drained his credits to fumes. Thank the force that the last corrupt custom agent didn't demand any more credits to go to his "generosity fund".
"Running out of options you space dog." Baxter muttered to himself. He just shook his head and wondered why in the name of the force he was heading to Denophan. The Empire had a very firm hold on the planet and its citizens. There was also news of the system's Sun turning into a supernova status. He was amazed how the Empire kept information regarding that from the citizens. No matter not his hide that was suck on that planet. Credits were for the taking and he felt this time his luck would catch up to him.
"Wonder what the food processor has on the dinner menu?" Baxter thought as he left the cockpit.
"Wonder what the food processor has on the dinner menu?" Baxter thought as he left the cockpit.
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